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Turns out our summer interns all have a thing for Rihanna and Emma Watson. Who knew?

This summer, we had the absolute pleasure of working with some amazing gals. Our Marketing and Editorial interns were passionate, fun, and truly embodied the VINA mission of empowering, celebrating, and connecting women around the world. We asked them some get-to-know-you questions, read their answers below!


What is your favorite thing about yourself? 

My favorite thing about myself is my ability to see the positive side to every situation!

What is your guilty pleasure?

Dried Mangoes. They are actually pretty healthy. But they are my guilty pleasure because when I start snacking on them I cannot stop!

Which famous gals – from history or pop culture –  would you swipe right on?

Emma Watson. Forever and always.

What has been your favorite thing about working for VINA?

My favorite thing has most definitely the sweet atmosphere of the office. Not only is it decorated perfectly, but everyone is always so sweet and smiley when I come in. I always leave in a slightly better mood than when I came in.

Ladybrag! What’s something you’re proud of?

I have been playing around with henna and henna designs since middle school. But this summer I got to work as a professional henna artist at my first fair! I met all sorts of people and it was a ton of fun. I definitely plan on doing more fairs and festivals in the future. (insta: @hannah.henna if you want to check it out)




What do you like most about yourself?

What I like most about myself is that I make an effort to be kind to everyone, and that I give every opportunity given to me 110%

What’s your guilty pleasure?

My guilty pleasure is eating Nutella and watching baseball and figure skating religiously.

Which famous gals – from history or pop culture –  would you swipe right on?

Definitely Malala Yousafzai, Emma Watson, Audrey Hepburn, Jane Austen, and Mindy Kaling!

What has been your favorite thing about working for VINA?

I’ve loved getting the chance to explore many different aspects of the concepts of sisterhood and feminism. There’s a lot of inner beauty in women that is often overshadowed by outer beauty, and I’ve loved helping identify that!

Ladybrag! What’s something you’re proud of?

I’m proud of my dedication to my music. I’ve spent many tedious hours and energy practicing my violin, but it’s worth it to be able to perform something so beautiful!



What do you like most about yourself?

Favorite thing about myself is being adventurous. I am always up for anything and love to explore and be outdoors.

What’s your guilty pleasure?

My guilty pleasure is reading really crappy romance novels and eating Ben and Jerrys Half Baked ice cream.

Which famous gals – from history or pop culture –  would you swipe right on?

I would totally swipe right on Emma Watson, Michelle Obama and Ellen Degeneres!

What has been your favorite thing about working for VINA?

My favorite thing about working for VINA is getting to experience working in an environment with people who are so passionate about what they do. I immediately felt welcomed into the team atmosphere and I love being surrounded by such unique and cool individuals.



What do you like most about yourself?

My favorite thing about myself would be my sociable personality!

What’s your guilty pleasure?

My guilty pleasure is olive oil popcorn from Trader Joe’s. YUM!

Which famous gals – from history or pop culture –  would you swipe right on?

I wanna be besties with Selena Gomez and Vanessa Hudgens!

What has been your favorite thing about working for VINA?

My favorite thing about working for VINA has been getting to know the VINA team and learning how strongly they feel about women empowerment and building connections for woman around the world ! They’re all awesome!

Ladybrag! What’s something you’re proud of?

I am most proud of the scholarships I have received during my college career!



What do you like most about yourself?

My favorite thing about myself has to be the gap in my smile and my confidence!

What’s your guilty pleasure?

My guilty pleasure is definitely ‘Say Yes to the Dress’ and Disney Channel. They’re polar opposites, but somehow it makes sense to me!

Which famous gals – from history or pop culture –  would you swipe right on?

Sheesh, I have definitely had some lady crushes in my day. Bad Gal RiRi, Mindy Kaling, Aubrey Plaza, Tina Fey, Raven Symone… I like my besties with a sense of humor as large as their intellect!

What has been your favorite thing about working for VINA?

My favorite thing has been the community of women. No matter how near, far, or how often you speak, they’re always there for you, no matter your role on the team.

Ladybrag! What’s something you’re proud of?

I’m proud of something new every day! As soon as I reach my goals, I set new ones! Any day that I can push myself further than the last – I’m proud!



What do you like most about yourself?

I am unintentionally witty and a really good listener.

What’s your guilty pleasure?

My guilty pleasures are reading historical fiction and 2000s R&B.

Which famous gals – from history or pop culture –  would you swipe right on?

Issa Rae, Gloria Steinem, Angela Davis, Gertrude Stein, Ava DuVerney, and Artimesia Gentileschi!

What has been your favorite thing about working for VINA?

I have loved sharing my anecdotes and experiences with our readers and (hopefully) angling my pieces in a way that truly helps them grow as they read.

Ladybrag! What’s something you’re proud of?

I am proud of myself for moving across the country to pursue my dreams.



What do you like most about yourself?

I like that I’m generally really chill and relaxed.

What’s your guilty pleasure?

Going to ALL concerts.

Which famous gals – from history or pop culture –  would you swipe right on?

Gillian Jacobs and Aubrey Plaza hands down.

What has been your favorite thing about working for VINA?

The friendships I made with the other editorial interns!

Ladybrag! What’s something you’re proud of?

My resilience and music making skills.



What do you like most about yourself?

My favorite thing about myself is probably the fact that I am the go-to person for my friends when they need cheering up!

What’s your guilty pleasure?

HGTV. Point blank.

Which famous gals – from history or pop culture –  would you swipe right on?

I’d swipe right on Ruth Bader Ginsburg, Beyoncé, Kate Mckinnon, and Michelle Obama!

What has been your favorite thing about working for VINA?

My favorite thing about working for VINA has been working with and for a whole bunch of smart and strong women, and feeling empowered every time I walk in to the office.

Ladybrag! What’s something you’re proud of?

I’m pretty proud of my work as an event planner at my college. It’s one of the best jobs I’ve ever had, and it turns out I’m really good at event planning!



What do you like most about yourself?

I’m an excellent problem-solver! I love figuring things out.

What’s your guilty pleasure?

The Sol Food bistec sandwich. If you’re ever in Marin County, CA you HAVE to get it.

Which famous gals – from history or pop culture –  would you swipe right on?

I’d swipe right on Bad gal RiRi, Queen Elizabeth II, Amy Poehler!

What has been your favorite thing about working for VINA?

Writing articles that I want to write and getting positive responses from vinas. And coming up with creative new marketing tactics (growth hacking)!

Ladybrag! What’s something you’re proud of?

I just wrote a research report with a well-known Epidemiology professor which will be published in a legit scientific journal. Ahh!

Want to intern at VINA? We’re hiring Fall Marketing and Editorial Interns! APPLY HERE.

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