

Before I spill the deets on why every vina should have a bucket list, let me first preface this blog post with this: I am in no way, shape or form a daredevil by any means. (Seriously!) But I totally for collecting experiences and not things, and living life to the fullest. So vinas, grab a cup of coffee or wine (it’s 5pm somewhere, right?) – let’s discuss bucket lists.

I honestly didn’t think about having a bucket list until I started my first full-time job in San Francisco. Being out of college and starting to really venture out into the real world caused me to reflect and think about the road ahead. With trying to grasp my first glimpse into the whole #adulting thing, I realized that life is too short to play it safe. I realized it was time to seek out those adventures that I dreamt about and turn those dreams into a reality. I’m talking about those adventures that we constantly daydream about and wonder “what if…” only to then push them aside because life just gets in the way. The only person who’s preventing you from stepping outside of your comfort zone is yourself.

To this day, I actually don’t have a handwritten bucket list (even one on my iPhone for that matter) that notes what I’ve done and what I have still yet to check off. And that’s totally fine! Maybe one day I’ll have something written down but for now, I’m just going with the rough list I have in my head and going with the flow. Go with whatever system works with you! But most importantly, have fun because sometimes the best adventures are the spontaneous ones.

True spontaneity is what kicked off my bucket list. I remember hanging with my friends at one of their houses having dinner. One of my best friends was about to celebrate her birthday and what she wanted to do was go skydiving (and she wasn’t talking about indoor skydiving). Instead of losing the momentum and drive to do it, we quickly bought our tickets soon after and jumped out of a plane from 10,000 feet in Hollister, California.


This is still an experience that I continue to look back on and I’m shocked and proud that I actually did it. It gave me a thrilling rush and made me believe that anything was possible. But there’s other benefits when it comes to having a bucket list. Here’s what I learned so far:


As the years pass us by, I quickly realized how more important experiences were versus physical possessions. Though I love my hipster wardrobe and endless about of makeup, these items were only giving me instant gratification that disappeared soon after. I then decided to shift my focus to one that was directed on having unforgettable stories that I can share for years to come.


When I share my skydiving story with my family, friends and other vinas, I constantly get the same reaction. They have a twinkle in their eye and they get inspired to also challenge themselves and face their fears. They too want to start stepping out of their comfort zone because vinas, remember, we only have one life so might as well live it to the fullest.


Trust me fellow vinas – make a bucket list today because the only thing we can’t get back is time and we can’t be living our lives any longer wondering “what if”. Seek out those adventures and experiences that you were too afraid to do. You’re going to surprise yourself in the process and live your life with more purpose and sense of direction. Treat yo self and challenge yo self.

The best experiences are sometimes spontaneous and unplanned; remember vina, don’t be hard on yourself. Have fun and bring your fellow vinas along for the adventure. Experience what life has to offer because you never know, you might surprise yourself.


(Feature Image: Pexels)


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