Fun Ladybrag Literature


Curl up with a hot cup o' joe and one of these books:

Curled up with a hot cup of coffee, lying on a picnic rug in the park, or cramped on your morning commute. It doesn’t matter what your circumstances – these awesome authors will provide a much-needed dose of girl power, and take you on a vacation to another world for a little while this Spring!


With the release of her latest novel Swing Time last November, Zadie Smith has catapulted back into the literary spotlight. Known for weaving astute social commentary into titillating plot lines, in Swing Time she touches on themes of change, perspective, and identity – all within the frames of female friendship and expression. Her first book novel written in the first person, Swing Time feels both classic and personal.


Self-proclaimed “bad feminist” Roxane Gay is at it again with her latest series of short stories, Difficult Women. Never one to shy away from contentiousness, Gay’s latest release explores race, sex, class and relationships in a diverse range of circumstances. Dark yet hopefully, Difficult Women is a great pick for your next book club – or your Friday wine-down at home.


Research professor and general life guru Brené Brown uses her fact finding and storytelling abilities to show us the power of vulnerability, courage and authenticity. Her last two books, Rising Strong and Daring Greatly, both hit #1 on the New York Times Bestseller list for good reason. Reading some Brené as the winter thaws out feels like a good way to do some mental spring cleaning, and to refresh that New Years motivation that might have faltered since January.


After skyrocketing to feminist stardom when her TEDx talk featured in Beyoncé’s ***FlawlessAdichie is always a breath of fresh air in an otherwise stifling political political climate. Whether you’re looking for a dose of activism – in the form of her essay We Should All Be Feminists – or a sprawling, intercultural masterpiece about love, nationality, gender (in the form of Americanah), Adichie’s back catalog will serve you well all throughout the year.


While you may recognize her name from columns in the New York Times and Time Magazine, it’s Jessica Bennett’s debut Feminist Fight Club that we can’t stop leafing through. Based on the personal stories of a girl gang that would meet in NYC and vent about their sexist workplaces, the “part manual, part manifesto” works through tropes we all know and love – like The Manterrupter and the Bropropriator – and suggests strategies to navigate these microaggressions at work and support your women coworkers while you’re at it. *Raised hands emoji*!

Who are you reading right now? Tell us in the comments below!

(Featured image by Jackie Nickerson)


  1. I’m reading Woman: An intimate geography by Natalie Angier, The Argonauts by Maggie Nelson, and Female Chauvinist Pigs by Ariel Levy.


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